Sunday, February 9, 2014

Why Is Star wars Popular?

While watching Star Wars for the zillionth time I asked myself, why was Star Wars so popular and why is it STILL so popular? It follows the typical hero archetype, the good vs. evil, light vs. dark, small business vs. corporations. Even with special effects that are becoming very outdated (even the added scenes look pretty cheesy) it has stood the test of considerable time. Star Wars: Episode IV — A New Hope premiered in 1977, which was 37 years ago. I personally do not think Star Wars is popular because of the filmography but because of the story it tells. George Lucas paid special and spectacular attention to detail. Due to the lack of techniques of special effects, he had to rely on the characters to propel the story further…something which obviously lacks in the newer episodes I-III. I hope Disney does a better job, but I am not going to hold my breath.

Watching episode IV I tried to recall how old I was when I first watched it. My father is an avid sci-fi nerd and had me watching all kinds of dorky things when I was younger. My older brother wasn’t as intrigued, he was more sports minded. I, however, loved the daddy-daughter time and would watch anything he put on. While most people are Star Wars or Star Trek fans, my father allowed both a place in our home. My favorite Star Wars movie was always episode VI…I LOVED Jabba’s Palace and the Ewoks.

But why is it popular??

I think it is the perfect mixture of the typical hero story, with an added dash of unpredictable complications (Darth Vader as Luke’s father…Luke and Leia and siblings…the second Death Star is fully operational), and a dollop of cuteness and oddities (Yoda, R2D2 and C3PO, Jawas, aliens, Ewoks, Ton Tons, and so many others). The story was well crafted and a mix of predictable and new to keep the audience on their toes. It also had a clear cut message of good that even developed into a religion for those hardcore fans.

My boyfriend’s daughter is 5 years old and personally, I think it is time for her to be introduced to the wonderful world of Star Wars!


  1. I agree with you about the character development and story being stronger in the original three, which made the movies popular. In the newer movies, they relied more on the CGI and other special effects, and the story itself felt to me like it was the afterthought. In the original movies, their seemed to be a balance between the special effects and the story development, which made the movie successful.

  2. I also like both. I grew up on Star Trek with my dad, but Star Wars was always welcome. I don't understand why some people feel you can't have both.
