Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Lizzie Bennet Diaries: WoooHooo!

So I have to admit that I hadn't read Pride and Prejudice before this(nor had I ever really wanted to read it.) I, through the course of my time on this Earth as both a reader, an English major and a fan, have made the conscious decision to both seek out and avoid certain things. It's always been one of those books that I put on my "Do Not Read Ever" lists because it came with so much Pomp & Circumstance:

It's all about ball gowns and parties and rich entitled white people stewing in their wealth and privilege. "Hmm, hmm. Look at all our money. Hmm, hmm."

Just by virtue of being an English major, I've been exposed to the genre of "Rich, White People And Their Problems" and it's been one of mutual dislike. All of the things that this genre represents are all things that I have decided I don't care about personally. Taking a step back, I can read into the subtleties and complexities of everything the time offers them.

Just based on my personality, I am all about the snide comments, backhanded compliments and daggers in the back. That's the beautiful part of this for me and it should be enough to sustain me but not really.

But then came the Lizzie Bennet Diaries:

At first I was really skeptical of everything that might be happening with this:

But then I started watching it and it all made sense now. Lizzie Bennet rocks. She's so real and down-to-earth and so snarky. It's a beautiful introduction and experience to take part in even though I am still not a fan of Pride & Prejudice.

The whole time she is doing this (on behalf of Hank Green and the VlogBrothers) she's sucking us into the story (which in spirit is exactly what Austen does) but gives us the ability to put it into perspective and then take this and put it back into a spacial-temporal perspective that Austen gave us.


  1. I totally agree with your perspective. Like I said, I've always been indifferent to Austen novels, but after seeing the Lizzie Bennett Diaries, I have a new found appreciation. I love Lizzie's snarkiness as well, but find her to be a bit annoying at times. Regardless, I think the videos really capture the story and adapt it really well to modern times.

  2. I actually love both the book and the diaries, which were really well done and perfectly translated to modern times. For whatever reason the staggering amount of money that the people in the book have never bothered me. It was always just part of the setting, something that was simply there without much more thought. I guess as an English major I should be more suspicious of assumptions like that, but at the same time it came across t me much the same way that the Lizzy Bennett Diaries did.
