Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Am I the Only One???

I’ve watched the Lizzie Bennet Diaries and I watched them with an open mind…well more than open mind since I actually enjoy the novel it is parodying…and I do find it as a parody… and the OED defines parody as: A literary composition modeled on and imitating another work, especially a composition in which the characteristic style and themes of a particular author or genre are satirized by being applied to inappropriate or unlikely subjects, or are otherwise exaggerated for comic effect. In later use extended to similar imitations in other artistic fields, as music, painting, film, etc.

This vlog seems to be a very exaggerated and comic intended adaptation of P&P… BUT I DON’T LIKE IT!!!

I just don’t find it funny and how Lizzie talks just makes my skin CRAWL! Why does she insist on talking with clenched jaw through just one side of her mouth and doing fake funny voices (and I don’t mean when she is imitating people). It completely distracts me.

I know what some may think… I just don’t “get” it. But I assure you I do; I just don’t like how they’ve modernized it. It takes a trivial and trifle-filled Austen satire novel and turns it into plain drivel…utterly pointless…in my opinion.

Now it does have some good qualities, it’s not all bad…I guess…

I enjoy Lydia’s character so much more in The Diaries. She’s cute and sometimes sweet. She’s a total funny party girl, but has endearing qualities that redeem her in ways that the book didn’t.

And I loved the shirtless Wickham ;)

I did not care for Jane…yes, she’s sweet… yes, she’s caring… yes, she works herself to death for the betterment of others… yes, she’s too good to be true…which screams FAKE! FAKE! FAKE! to me.

I can’t help it—I AM BITTER AND JADED! But I’m trying to work on it.

Oh well.

“Different strokes for different folks” I guess.

For those of you who like it, great. I just do not.

(sorry for straight text and no pics or gifs…)


  1. Hye, I am perfectly alright with you not liking it. Your observations of it are spot on: Jane is too good to be true, the fake bitch. Lizzie is way to into herself with her vlogging and her master's studies and her incessant need to hide from herself that tries to come off as awkwardly adorable but in actuality is so stupid I just want to shake her.
    But what you're saying is that it makes an already bad novel worse because that's an interesting way of watching it. I for one liked it but nothwithstanding it allowed me to really care about these people and thus hate them in the fashion to which I am accustom.
    Power to you Jennifer!

  2. Your opinions are PERFECTLY valid. Like I said in class, I really didn't like Lizzie's character either. Her voice, her facial expressions, her attitude in general, just bothered me to no end. What's interesting is that I do enjoy Elizabeth Bennet's character in the book. So maybe I hated Lizzie so much in the diaries because of the fact that they highlighted so many of her terrible qualities.

  3. Hate away! Just be glad you can put your reasons into words. That's more than a lot of the internet can say.
