Sunday, April 13, 2014

Now I have a confession to make. I really hate Sherlock. For several different reasons that are long and complicated and definitely not something that you want to hear if you like the show, so I won't make you listen to that.

I used to be in love with it though and I wanted to share one of my favorite Sherlock fan creations from when I was into the show. There is a tumblr that is basically a cross between roleplay, text blog, and fanfiction. It's called "Text Messages from Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson." The basic premise of it is that two people are roleplaying Sherlock and John. People send them questions and they answer them in character and in the format of text message transcripts and the occasional prose. Although they can't control what people ask, the two creators use the questions to create a story that goes along with the canon story line. Most of the action that happens takes place in between what happens in the episodes and seasons, so you'd most likely have to watch the episodes to know exactly what's going on 100% of the time. The timeline that these texts take place starts after the first episode of season 2, and they're currently doing Season 3.

What makes this so great is that a lot of what happens is because of the fans. Someone will send a question that will move along the story. It's interactive fanfiction, basically.

Here's a link to their index (though that doesn't have all of the texts just the most important ones.) Warning that it is shippy (Sherlock/John), though not all of the texts are and when there's prose it gives warning for any triggers or not safe for work material. The shippy aspects are slowly moving so the earlier texts are less likely to have shippy things in them. Also warning that there are triggering things in the material but again there's trigger warnings for everything.

I haven't kept up with the blog for for about a year but I do have fond memories about the fandom (called the Texts subfandom) and of reading it.

1 comment:

  1. I actually really enjoyed the one episode of Sherlock that I saw. And the thing that really struck me as being unique about the show was the fact that you could see the text messages Sherlock and John were sending to each other. I think it's brilliant that there is a blog entirely dedicated to it.
