Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Pottermore Houses

I was absolutely certain that I would get Gryffindor. Especially when I got to the question about encountering the troll who demanded a fight. Of course I would volunteer as tribute. I’m awesome, and in this scenario I’m a wizard. Of course I’m going to fight just about anything I can. And, come on. Everyone's the main character of their own story, and Harry Potter put the frame of reference for "main character" with Gryffindor. Of course I was going to be in Gryffindor.

Then, something amazing happened. I was wrong.

In its infinite wisdom, the Sorting Hat put me in Hufflepuff.

I don’t want to even think about whether or not this is correct, or an accurate summary of my personality. I’m just happy to be a Hufflepuff.

Because it puts me in a position where I can associate myself firmly with this.

So, now that I've gotten the chance to geek out, what House did you get into?


  1. I just took another quiz, just to be sure that would'nt get a different house than last time and alas, I was sorted into Ravenclaw again. I guess I just have to accept my fate! I'm super jealous you got Hufflepuff, though. That's the house I've always wanted to be in! It's interesting that fans become so passionate about the houses they get placed in. I suppose it allows us to feel even more incorporated into the magical world and that much closer to Harry himself.

  2. My Pottermore experience seems to be different to everyone else's I've heard talk about the site at all. So after missing out on the early opportunity to enroll and take part that my Miya had (she neglected to inform me exactly what time it was I had to stay up all night in order to get on the site early.) I took the quiz so I could start doing all of the cool things everyone else was doing.

    I was shockingly underwhelmed at the questions: "Which animal do you like best of the four?" "Given the choice, would you help a friend, rescue a kitten from a tree, study, or plot the demise of your enemy?" They all but asked me what my favorite color was?

    At first, I was hoping it was a joke but as I kept answering it kept giving me choices, " do you prize, loyalty, bravery, intelligence or cunning?" or something very similar.

    After all of the things, I decided to answer honestly instead of leadingly and I got Ravenclaw. Second choice but whatever.

    In the end, I'm glad. Slytherins of HP verse are incredibly obvious and lack any sort of cunning. I could still kill someone, everyone would see it coming and I'd get away scott free.

  3. I just found out I'm a Ravenclaw! I'm pretty satisfied with it. I love being little miss smarty pants lol :)

  4. HOUSE HUFFLEPUFF! HELL MOTHER YAAASSSS! A part of me really wishes there was more information on the houses. Its really hard to tell what it means to be a part of a house when you have no idea what they do (other than find things). The other part is glad for the lac of information because that mean we can fill it up. I haven't read all the books but I totally know what being a Hufflepuff means to me and that's because fans have done so much to describe what it means.

    Also, Huff-Le-Puff on that Wizarding Weed ;)

  5. I love my Pottermore experience. My mom took the quiz and was put into Slytherin, and I was convinced I would be in Gryffindor, but hadn't taken the test. I went the Universal Studios and the Harry Potter world, and bought her Slytherin stuff while i bought Gryffindor items, whack she mocked me for convinced that wasn't the house I would get. I ended up taking the test as honestly as I could, and got Gryffindor. So now I am firm believer that you have a choice in your house :)

  6. I'm a Ravenclaw and proud!
