Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Star Wars: The Original Three Aren't Enough

Star Wars has always been one of those movies that's come under a lot of scrutiny. Experts-read nerds-extol their knowledge and the brilliance of George Lucas when all he did was retell a story that's been told for millennia by his point in time. 

Why is this such a "good movie"? The location, the dialogue, the lovable charactes, the space magic?
Any one of these things could be considered Lucas' great idea but what does he give us really? A predictable story line full of characters we love only because it's obvious they're the good ones. Bad characters and an Empire that's evil because people said so (discounting the reboot that Fans think is awful, what has the Empire done until Alderan that's so bad.) Leia and her ilk are the rebels yet the white of her dress and their proved individuality clearly proclaim them righteous. 

I was not one for the original Star Wars. I think the reboot is actually much better because it had more of the space magic that I enjoy and look for. 

That 's all Star Wars is for me, space wizards fighting bad space wizards using 'muggles' as cannon fodder and human meat walls. In th end, that's what it comes down to. The only difference between the original three and the prequels is that Vader killed th Jedi thus giving himself the advantage in the temporal-galatix Jedi-Sith war. 

Again, my issues with Star Wars stem from my eternal hatred of heavy-handed moral lessons shoveling  right and wrong down my throat. Instead of waiting for a prophecy child Obi-Wan and Yoda should have just ganged up on Vader and the Emperor and murdered him. But of course they couldn't. Such actions would only be driven by anger and vengeance: two things that definitely lead to the Dark Side. (as we really learn and explore in the prequels)

We talked about the repeat of certain tropes, archetypes and formats in literature/storytelling and while it's true that these things can be seen, they do not encompass a good story. New, experimental things might be unpopular but could serve to shake things up. 

One last thought I want to leave this post with: the whole idea of this series is not to me because of the idea that is at the heart of it: good always triumphs over evil. False. This is not true and this fear of letting evil win has infected us since time began. If we simply stopped trying to hide from it we could explore it. 

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