Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Lego Movie

Perhaps a little off topic, but today some people expressed disappointment in stories where the hero starts out as an everyman and turns into THE MOST IMPORTANT AND SPECIAL PERSON EVER and thus becomes someone we can't realte to anymore. And since we also discussed the popularity and success of the Lego Movie, I wanted to say that I think they would enjoy The Lego Movie! Without trying to give away too much of the plot, I’ll say that the movie does have a hero who is the chosen one (he's literally called "The Special" who is supposed to restore the world to peace) but I think the movie does an absolutely fantastic job of subverting that trope.

It’s also really funny and cute heartwarming and I had a smile on my face the entire movie and I SWEAR Warner Bros. is not paying me to promo their movie, I just loved it so, so much and I think it’s the kind of movie that would appeal to everyone. Warning though: the main theme song will be in your head for the rest of your life. You will be lying in your coffin and the song will still be playing in your head.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I saw this recently and it is a good text to fit in with this class. It does a great job both using and playing with the hero trope in some very interesting ways.
    And yes the song will stay with you for a while.
